Hexagonal binning (proposed by Dan Carr and co-workers in 1987) is a
standard approach to the display of large two-dimensional numeric data
sets. Compared to scatterplots with alpha-blending based on full
pixel-resolution binning it has lower spatial resolution but produces
output that can be stored more compactly and rendered more rapidly.
Compared to the implementations of alpha-blending based on overplotting
and an 8-bit alpha channel, as with plot()
in R, it allows
for much larger data sets.
An important limitation of hexagonally binned scatterplots is that
they do not allow for the display of multi-class data using colours in a
single graph panel; faceting is necessary. The hextri
package allows the use of colour for multi-class data by dividing each
hex into six triangles and allocating these in proportion to the number
of observations from each class in the hex. In fact, the package allows
for observation weights, so the allocation is actually in proportion to
the total weight for each class in the hex. The package implements two
styles of hexbin plot that display the total hex size differently:
makes the opacity of each hex proportional to the
total weight for the hex, size
makes the area of the hex
proportional to the total weight.
Here’s an example using the data on 1973 New York summer air
pollution in the airquality
data set: a graph of
temperature by solar radiation with ozone concentration (smog) as the
class variable. At the moment, the package doesn’t handle missing data
well, so we run na.omit()
airquality$o3group<-with(airquality, cut(Ozone, c(0,18,60,Inf)))
hextri(Solar.R, Temp, class=o3group, colours=c("skyblue","grey60","goldenrod"), style="size",
xlab="Solar radiation (langley)", ylab="Temperature (F)")
The graph shows the non-monotone relationship of temperature and solar radiation, and the tendency for smog to appear on hot, sunny days.
Tthe lattice
package allows for the plot to be
conditioned on wind speed, the other important variable
xyplot(Temp~Solar.R|equal.count(Wind,4), groups=o3group, panel=panel.hextri,
data=na.omit(airquality), colours=c("royalblue","grey60","goldenrod"),
strip=strip.custom(var.name="Wind Speed"),
xlab="Solar Radiation (langley)",ylab="Temperature (F)")
High wind days tend not to be as hot, but also tend to have less ozone than would otherwise be expected.
The hexbin
package has a moderately large dataset from
the National Health And Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), looking
at various measures of iron availability.
A fairly dramatic one is haemoglobin by age, tabulated by sex (orange for women, purple for men). The first plot uses alpha-blending to depict total hex size. The increase in size at age 65 is due to oversampling of older people.
data(NHANES, package="hexbin")
with(na.omit(NHANES[,-8]), hextri(Age,Hemoglobin, class=Sex,colour=c("orange","purple"),
nbins=20,xlab="Age",ylab="Serum haemoglobin"))
Parts of this graph show one of the problems with a regular assignment of triangles within the hex: three-dimensional artifacts because a cube seen corner-on is a hexagon. This next plot has random ordering of triangles within each hex. It also has diffusion of rounding error: when the class proportions within a hex do not divide equally into sixths, the rounding error is divided up among nearby hexes that have not yet been rendered. Error diffusion is especially important with small classes, as otherwise a class with less than 1/12 of the total sample would never be seen.
with(na.omit(NHANES[,-8]), hextri(Age,Hemoglobin, class=Sex,colour=c("orange","purple"),
nbins=20,xlab="Age",ylab="Serum haemoglobin", diffuse=TRUE))
Here is the same graph with hex totals depicted by size, with and without error diffusion
with(na.omit(NHANES[,-8]), hextri(Age,Hemoglobin, class=Sex,colour=c("orange","purple"),
nbins=20,xlab="Age",ylab="Serum haemoglobin",style="size"))
with(na.omit(NHANES[,-8]), hextri(Age,Hemoglobin, class=Sex,colour=c("orange","purple"),
nbins=20,xlab="Age",ylab="Serum haemoglobin", diffuse=TRUE,style="size"))
Finally, the same plot conditioned on dietary iron intake:
xyplot(Hemoglobin~Age|equal.count(Diet.Iron, 6),groups=Sex, data=na.omit(NHANES[,-8]),
strip=strip.custom(var.name="Dietary iron"),style="size",diffuse=TRUE)
The previous examples had only a small number of classes. With more classes it may be useful to set the colours to highlight one class at at time
hextri(xx,yy, class=cc, colour=c("#FEEDDE", "#FDD0A2", "#FDAE6B", "#8C2D04"),
nbins=20, style="size")
hextri(xx,yy, class=cc, colour=c("#FEEDDE", "#8C2D04","#FDD0A2", "#FDAE6B") ,
nbins=20, style="size")
hextri(xx,yy, class=cc, colour=c( "#8C2D04","#FDD0A2", "#FDAE6B","#FEEDDE") ,
nbins=20, style="size")